Mental health -_-

So. I'm off for another two weeks. Yet another breakdown in the doctor's office. Go me.

I realized today that even the thought of going to the mall where my job is tends to trigger a panic attack and I feel sick to my stomach. Which sucks because I tend to do a lot of my shopping in that area of town. I guess a positive outcome of that is that it will help me to save money. Maybe?

I also realized that my diabetes management has been the shits due to the stress I've been under. The stress has causes me to have a hell of a time with my depression, and it's become a never ending spiral. This is possibly why I'm still sick. Between my diabetes management being poor and an extreme amount of job related stress, I'm just batting zero.

My doctor and I set a goal for the next couple of weeks: set alerts on my phone/FitBit to remind me to take my meds on time every day for the next two weeks. And then actually take my meds properly. Hopefully, I'll notice a marked change in terms of my health and start to physically better again. And my mental health should start trending more positive as well.

One thing I have noticed about being off work is that I'm actually saving money by not eating at the mall twice a day, five days a week. And I am also not going to the dollar store for candy either. Instead, I have been cooking and eating at home, which is always cheaper in the long run anyway. Of course, that means I have to clean my kitchen every day so I can cook, but such is life. Once I get the kitchen back into shape, I'll have my kid deal with the dishes - I cook, they can clean. It's only fair, right?

I have also noticed that I am managing to slowly digging myself out of the mess that depression tends to leave in its wake. I tackled the area of my living room that tends to be dumping ground for random crap that I have no idea why I keep. A lot of it seems to be impulse buys that were cheap and something I really needed. Or they are items I needed, forgot I bought, and then repurchased - this is why I have two cordless drills and two staple guns.

So, let's see what the next two weeks brings. Maybe a cleaner, less cluttered home, and a healthier me. I'd take a new job while we're at it!


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