Going on medical EI due to extreme stress...there is a first for everything

So, I'm set to be re-evaluated on Thursday to see if I'm ready to go back to work next Monday. Considering that I'm down sick again with a nasty cough and cold, I somehow think that I will be off longer. I am so not ready to go back to work and my body is letting me know in no uncertain terms.

This weekend I was speaking to my kid about me being off work and how it affects us for the time being. Damn, I raised an amazing human being. They know that if I was capable of going back to work now that I would be, and they are aware that I am also looking for something else that will not do a number on my mental health and not wreck my body either. They also make decent enough money to make it possible to pay rent and keep food on the table, and to also not let the bills get completely out of hand. I feel bad about it, but until I start getting EI money in we don't have much choice. The kid has seen me work my ass off enough in the past to know that I usually do everything I can to make ends meet somehow. They have also watched me get sicker and sicker over the past several months while trying to do a job that was mentally and physically destroying me...the physical coming about because I was doing my level best to work through the mental destruction.

I just completed my medical EI application, and I am worried that I will not be approved for it. And I just went over the application for income assistance (aka welfare), and it's so much bullshit. Because I live with my adult kid I would not be eligible to receive as much as I would if I lived with some rando? As it is, my kid already pays out more than they should really have to in order for the two of us to be able to afford to live here - when I'm able to work full weeks, my net pay goes a fair way to making things more equal, although I pay out more due to a stupid high interest loan I took out well over a year ago in order to afford my dental plate. Ugh.

But even this financial stress is nowhere near as bad as the stress of working at my current employer. I know we can manage to make things work, even if things are tight. We've done it before, and we can do it again.


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