Cosplaying again? That would be nice...

I have decided that for next year's convention that I will cosplay again for the first time in what feels like ages. I have fabric for at least one cosplay I want to do and there are a couple more I would like to attempt if I have the chance.

Now that I am no longer stuck having to wear a security t-shirt for the convention I can easily cosplay so long as I have my committee ID visible somewhere on me. I think enough people now associate me with this particular convention that I do not have to purposely distance myself from a failed convention organization. I have kept mostly silent about that whole mess, in public anyway - those who know me well are quite aware of where I stand on it.

There are many fandoms I am a part of so it would be a matter of trying to figure out which ones inspire me to want to make a cosplay. I do know that I want to make a princess gown because I want a swishy dress so badly. And I do want to cosplay as my original character from my rather long "The Musketeers" fanfic, although this is partly because I want to have another set of fencing garb for the event that I can get involved with the SCA again...I have come to realize how much I miss it, oddly enough.

I doubt that I would ever do a superhero cosplay, regardless of how much I enjoy the MCU - I do not have the body for ANY of the characters, even if I were to work out every day for at least an hour.

At one point I had considered doing a full steampunk outfit, but I have become rather disillusioned of the local steampunk scene in the past few years. I still have the fabric for the corset I had planned on making, having shunned the traditional colour scheme and going for pale pink - a colour that I normally run far away from. Perhaps I will figure out a way to utilize a pink corset in cosplay somewhere down the line.

As for my kid, well, they are going to have to figure out how to sew for themselves because I am pretty much done at this point. My sewing experience is more to do with modern and historical garments, not anime-inspired things. Honestly, if the kid was willing to go with historical based versions of the cosplays they would be better off, but they insist on getting as close to the animated images as possible...even when what is on the screen will not work in reality. And after their last temper tantrum concerning the most recent cosplay I made (and did ALL the sewing for) I'm pretty much done sewing for them. I am working on getting them their own basic sewing machine or getting a new one for myself and giving them my old one once I get it maintenance done on it. After that, I will help them with some things, but for the most part they will be on their own.

I will need to plan out my cosplay research, figure out the fabrics and colours I want, and then schedule time to work on said cosplay.


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