My health is the shits, but that's no surprise
Back in January of this year my doctor told me that I had three months to get my blood sugars under control or she'd be putting me on insulin, that my blood test results showed my blood sugars generally are way higher than they should be, and that my cholesterol count was a bit higher than she liked to see. So, I carried on the way I usually do, and neglected to take my metformin and glyclizide regularly as I'm absolutely horrible for remembering to take my meds. This past Wednesday over a telephone appointment with my doctor I admitted that I regularly forget to take my meds. And she hit me with "your last blood test back in January showed you were starting into early liver failure because of your blood sugar levels." What the everloving fuck?! She never told me that at my appointment back in January when she went over the results of my most recent blood test. That might have been something to spur me into taking my meds like I'm supposed to! Or it might no...