
Showing posts from April, 2020

My health is the shits, but that's no surprise

Back in January of this year my doctor told me that I had three months to get my blood sugars under control or she'd be putting me on insulin, that my blood test results showed my blood sugars generally are way higher than they should be, and that my cholesterol count was a bit higher than she liked to see. So, I carried on the way I usually do, and neglected to take my metformin and glyclizide regularly as I'm absolutely horrible for remembering to take my meds. This past Wednesday over a telephone appointment with my doctor I admitted that I regularly forget to take my meds. And she hit me with "your last blood test back in January showed you were starting into early liver failure because of your blood sugar levels." What the everloving fuck?! She never told me that at my appointment back in January when she went over the results of my most recent blood test. That might have been something to spur me into taking my meds like I'm supposed to! Or it might no...

Woo money! And bills paid off in full for a change...say what?

Finally received some money through the virus funding thingy, and promptly paid my internet bill in full and made a payment on my electrical. I'm very glad that I don't have to deal with a separate heating bill...sometimes having electrical heat isn't necessarily a bad thing. I've got it set up so that my government payments go directly to my refillable credit card, and from there I can transfer money to my bank account. I did exactly this for a couple of reasons, one of which is to cover any payments I've got set to come out of my bank account and another reason is so that I could make the payment on my electric bill because for whatever reason they won't permit payments made from refillable credit cards. Oh well, such is life. I'm trying hard not to let the remaining funds on my card burn a hole in my pocket. I'm not sure when the next payment will hit my account, and I know I don't want to blow through it all in the event that something maj...

COVID cleaning spree?

Never did get around to the basic wash of my floor last night...I just couldn't get the energy together to do it. However, I did it today once I finally got my ass out of bed...and after just one pass the water was disgustingly dirty. I'll be going over it again in a little bit, but for now I'm relaxing and drinking tea. The next wash of the floor still won't be the final one because the floor really is that bad, sadly. But I've got the worst of it cleaned up finally! I likely won't get the final floor wash done today though, but it's not like the floor or the cleaner are going anywhere anytime soon. I've got a special cleaner that is supposed to help restore the shine and not leave a residue behind...not sure if it will actually work, but nobody will be able to say that my floor isn't clean :P I do still have some deep cleaning to do on my fridge, but that is easy enough to put off for now so I can work on getting my living room reclaimed once and...

Cleaning up stuff...woo

Things are still moving forward on the cleaning of my apartment. Slowly, but still moving, which is the main thing. On Wednesday I managed to get six garbage bags full of stuff to toss out and, with the kid's help, got them out onto the curb for garbage pick-up Thursday. That included a lot of random crap I've stuffed into bins in an attempt to 'clean' when I've had company coming over. As I went, I further organized art and craft stuff, and even cleaned out the plastic storage drawers of all the sewing stuff that had been randomly stuffed into them. Now the storage drawers are going to be re-purposed into kitchen storage for my baking tins, plastic food containers and lids, kitchen linens, and the various baggies, tin foil, plastic wrap, and parchment paper I use on a regular basis. I haven't gotten to this point yet though because I basically took Thursday off from organizing/cleaning. Thursday I did go down to the nearest dollar store to pick up some rand...

Organizing stuff...I need to organize EVERYTHING, but I probably won't...

Didn't do much yesterday (Monday, April 6) other than sleep a lot. Heated up leftovers for dinner and had the kid do the dishes up, but that's about it. Oh, wait, I cleaned up a couple grocery bags worth of junk off my living room floor. Today (Tuesday, April 7) though I managed to get more accomplished - organized my thread, sewing notions, patterns, and quilting fat squares. On top of venturing out for a few groceries due to misjudging how much milk and other staples we'd have gone through over the weekend. The organization I did was way more work than most people would expect, I'm sure. I've had sewing stuff scattered from one end of the apartment to the other for years. Yes, years. And I was past due to get it all into one place, sort it out, and put it away properly and in such a way that I can easily get at it if I need to use any of it. I would have gotten into my fabric stash to organize that as well, but I ran out of steam and it was starting to get lat...

I can has clean kitchen?

In today's cleaning news... I have a sparkly clean stove! And my counter top has also been cleaned and de-cluttered! I started the above process sometime late yesterday afternoon, beginning with getting all the dishes washed, dried, and put away. Including pots and pans that have needed to be cleaned for entirely too long. Good thing with T-Fal pans is that they clean up really easy, regardless of how long they've been sitting...unlike my old set of pots and pans. It probably helps that I don't use high temperature with cooking with my new set. Either way, I got all the dishes cleaned up and put away. Properly, I might add...something I often struggle with because I'm a lazy arsehole at times. Then it lead into getting rid of clutter and useless boxes that had been on the counter, freeing up a LOT of space. Once that was done, then it was time to scour the crap out of the counter, and the sink for added measure. With so much cleaned up and nice looking I couldn...

Corona is supposed to be a beer, not a damn virus -_-

As everybody in the world knows, we're dealing with the Coronavirus pandemic. If you are that far under a rock that you don't know what that is, well, I'm not going to spoonfeed you the info - google that shit. People pretty much everywhere are in isolation, only essential workers can go to work as pretty much everything else is shut down. I think some restaurants are still open for pick-up or delivery only. Grocery stores are open with reduced hours. Ditto for convenience stores and any store that sells food items. Thank goodness for Walmart and Dollarama, let me tell you. It's been hell on my mental health, I won't lie. My anxiety has been making sleep a wild ride - I either sleep too much, not at all, or nowhere near enough. And the dreams! My dreams have spiraled into some truly weird shit lately. My anxiety and depression have a tendency to spur me into non-action. Despite knowing that I've got housework to do, taxes to file, and everything else, my m...