
Living space update! I was off for nine days for a much needed vacation. No, I didn't go anywhere. I'm too broke to travel anywhere interesting. Hell, I don't think I could even afford to travel anywhere outside of the Metrobus limits. I just needed an extended break from work before I burnt out much more than I already was. While I was off, I caught up on some much needed sleep, and made a concerted effort to go through most of the bins/boxes/bags that have been in the common area of the basement since I moved in back in July. I think my body has enjoyed the extra sleep just a little too much...I slept through all three of my alarms this morning and was late to work. Thankfully, I don't have a cash shift today so it wasn't as big of a fiasco as it could have been. Let's hope that by the time I do have a cash shift that I've gotten over sleeping through my alarms :/ In terms of going through the stuff in the basement common area, it's been going pretty g
Two and a half months in my current place, and so far everything is working out well! I *still* have too much crap, but I will be working on getting rid of more of it over the next while. Especially as my landlady let me know tonight that her mother is selling one of her properties and the plan is to store some things in the basement...where I've got stuff laying around still. Not as much as I used to have, thankfully, but still enough that it will be in the way of whatever my landlady plans on storing. Overall, though, things are coming along nicely. I've been going through bags and bins, and have even weeded out some of the clothes in my closet. I will also be making use of the space under my bed to store things out of the way too. It is amazing what losing weight can do - pants that used to barely fit were falling off my ass, so those got donated. I also don't eat as much as I used to because I don't want to make a mess of the landlady's kitchen. I do, however, h
I now weigh under 200lbs! Go me! Now to keep it off and continue to take it off until I hit my current personal goal of 175lbs. I know it doesn't seem like much, but I've been overweight since I have birth to my daughter over 32 years ago. It doesn't help that I come from a family where weight issues were common. And I don't mean being underweight either. For most of my life, my own mother was quite overweight. Mind you, when I was rather underweight (hello, anorexia), she used to maintain that I was wonder I had issues with body image. Still do, but not I used to, thankfully. When I get paid next, there's a very good chance that I will finally go in to get my belly button piercing done. If I don't chicken out, of course. I hate needles, but I love piercings. Go figure. It helps that I don't eat as much as I used to. I know I'm bad for emotional eating instead of eating when I'm actually hungry. Such is life sometimes. But I've been mana
The day I left my last place I weighed myself and found I was 214lbs. When I weighed myself three days ago, I found I was 200lbs. It explained why my usual work pants have started falling off my ass lately. So, with that in mind, I have picked up a couple new pairs of jeans. Well, new to me. Hello Value Village! If I could get away with wearing leggings at work, I absolutely would. But leggings don't belong in a gas station environment. Hell, they don't belong in most work environments. This means I basically live in jeans or jeggings (not those cheap printed-on type either). Stretch denim for the win. Seriously. And because I hate baggy legged pants on me in general I always go for skinny jeans. Yes, I'm well aware of the opinion a lot of people have about fat people wearing skinny jeans. But so many larger people that wear these kinds of pants tend to wear at least two sizes two small for their body. I get it, but there is nothing worse than a muffin top rolling over the


This same day last week saw me packing up a 15' U-Haul truck and cleaning my old place. The plan was to be at my new place by 7pm. That did not happen. No, instead I was still packing the truck at that time. One, I still have more stuff than I realized. Two, my former neighbours were complete assholes. While the first point is something I'm working on, the second is no longer my problem. Thank fuck for small miracles. I ended up at my new place at around 8:30am the following day. Thank goodness it was a holiday here in Canada, because there is no way I would have been able to get everything moved in by myself. At least not in time to get the truck back by 10:30am. My new landlady and her son helped get everything off of the truck in time for me to get the truck back on time. It was supposed to be back no later than 7:45am, but considering I'd left my old place at that time, it wasn't going to happen. Such is life. This past Friday saw me, with the help of a friend, fina
So, instead of a new car I've had to get a new place to live. Thank goodness for the loan I took out or I'd be screwed. Earlier this week, my roomie came to me to let me know that she is going to be heading back to Alberta because her son needs her. I fully understand that because I'd do the same if my daughter needed me and we didn't live in the same city/province. I didn't get mad, I told her that family comes first and that I'd start looking for a new place right away. I went kijiji and started sending messages to some promising looking possibilities. And I got a bite right away for a room in a hourse directly behind one of the malls that serves as a transit hub. Perfect for me, especially because the deal for the car seems to be in the process of falling apart. Woo, right? I saw the room Thursday and was absolutely thrilled! It's in the basement of the house but there is an egress window in case of emergency. It also means that it should remain cooler du
I may have a car lined up! A friend of mine and her husband have five vehicles between them, and I've long been after them to make arrangements to sell me one. Only half-joking about it too, because why on earth would 2 people need five cars? I can understand having one for each of them as daily drivers, and then one that handles our shitty winter weather better. But five?  So, my friend and I have been talking about the potential of selling one to me cheap or giving it to me for the cost of the transfer fee and registration. The insurance would be on me, of course. And I've already started pricing out insurance here. I wish it was easy to just go to a single website, punch in the necessary numbers to get quotes from the different providers, but it's simply not that easy. Even trying to get insurance through my bank requires me to make an appointment to go down there. I even tried online via TD and their website failed. I really don't like going into places in person, e