
Yesterday, a friend of mine helped me go through all the stuff I had in the shed. Now all that's left (other than furniture) is stuff that I actually have space for in my room and the space I have in the rest of the house. I can bring in one box, bin, or bag one at a time when I have the brainpower to deal with them. Part of it is that I have to clear the junk out of my bedroom yet again, and I really don't want to deal with it right now if I'm being entirely honest. I have decided that I need a dresser. Or plastic bins for the clothing that I can't hang up. I currently use fabric bins for that clothing and they are in one of my bookcases. And my cat likes to claw the shit out of those fabric bins, making them look trashy. I used to have a dresser, but I gave it to my daughter when she moved out. She had way less space to put all her clothes than I did at the time. I may reach out to her to ask her to pay for me to buy a replacement. Nothing too expensive, of course, an
So, by the fall I need to have a road-worthy vehicle. Because the folks I've been getting a ride from on the days I work have decided that it's too difficult for them to keep doing it. Well, the person who actually does the driving hasn't said anything, but their partner has. Despite having only driven me once in all the time I've been living out here. But it is time for me to get a car again. I'm finally in a position where I should be able to save up to at least get a decent down payment. With my shitty credit it's not like I can just walk into a dealership and finance a car right off the bat, especially without putting money down. It will mean that I will be living very frugally for the next several months. My rent is $650, my share of utilities usually runs around $150, a 30 day bus pass is $78, and I can get my groceries to under a $100 a week (I'd just have to stop taking a taxi back from my shopping - I can carry them easily enough, but I'm genera
Snowed in. Yep. We are going through Snowmaggedon 2.0 right now. No buses on the road. No drivers available for taxis. And I'm stuck in the next city over from the one I work in. Just fucking lovely. I'm so grateful that my overnight guy didn't just say fuck it, lock the store up, and go home when neither myself or my dayshift guy didn't get in at 8am today. I've also reached out to the afternoon guy to ask him to go in a bit early so that my overnight guy can go home and get some sleep before he has to come back in for tonight. I keep trying to contact a taxi company, ANY taxi company, to try to get a taxi sent to me. But nobody is answering their phones, and the apps just keep saying 'no drivers available at this time'. If I had a car, I'd have driven in and picked up my dayshift guy on the way. Yes, I'm just crazy enough to drive in this. Hell, I drove a sports car with nothing but all-season tires on it through a blizzard in the Rockies, so I'
I finally got to put my new gaming rig through its paces a bit tonight, despite leaving work early today due to being exhausted as fuck. It's amazing what a brief nap can do sometimes. I finally had the chance to play Cyberpunk 2077 on the new rig, and it is sweet. Smooth graphics, easy to navigate gameplay, and I love the storyline so far. I played a wee bit of the game on my old computer when I first bought the game over a week ago while it was on sale. It was glitchy as hell on the old rig, so I'd been waiting to try it out on my new one. What I hadn't expected was to not have the time and/or energy to do much with my new rig. Tomorrow marks 12 days of 12 working without any days off in between like I usually get. My plan for my first day off is to sleep as much as I possibly can and only get up because my body/brain is telling me to. Let's just hope that the weather isn't horrible at that point so I can get some much needed groceries before the nasty weather hit
So, I now know why I was asked if I was a certain guy's new girlfriend the first time I set foot in a place I'm now a regular at. Apparently, his ex-wife/whatever told everybody that I was the guy's new girlfriend and she thought it was rude that he and I would pick that place for our first date when we knew she was going to be there, and how he was flaunting his new woman in front of her. At the time, I couldn't stand the man, and I didn't hide it. Everybody knew it by the end of the night too. But rumours persisted. Because, of course, they did. It explains a LOT about what has happened over the previous year and a bit, and why the missus kept trying to say shit about me. I was asked point blank today by a mutual acquaintance/friend if I had been trying to make a move on the guy all the way back then, because of the bullshit missus said about me. At the time I had no intention of even being friends with him, so I don't know where the lie came from. However, lo
My room is mostly de-cluttered! And I have a new-to-me desk that I picked up today from what has become my new favourite furniture thrift store. The desk was a spur of the moment thing, honestly. I saw it on FB, posted by Again & Again, sent a message to my partner in crime, and she immediately contacted me back saying she'd take me to go get it. It was by the cash desk at the store, and I was in the process of paying for it when another customer put her hands on it. I excitedly told her that I was just buying it, that I had also posted on the FB picture that I was coming for it. Wooo! All mine! I didn't put it into my room right away. I needed to finish the decluttering process I had started earlier in the day first. It was something I had been putting away for too long. And now it's pretty much done. I do have a couple of bins/bags left to go to, but now the majority of the mess it gone. And I cleaned out the bottom of my closet finally, something I had been avoiding.
Slowly but surely I am decluttering my bedroom. I don't really have much choice in the matter, because I have way too much stuff. Most of said stuff are things I have held onto out of some psychological need to not get rid of things that I have bought with some use in mind or things that people have given to me. And tonight, as I was doing yet another round of decluttering, I figured out why I do it. When I was growing up it was nothing for my mother to get pissed off at me and throw out anything she decided was 'junk'. And it was only junk to her because she didn't see any personal need for whatever it was I owned. Not to mention her pathological need to simply destroy me in any way she possible could. I lost count of how many times she would 'punish' me by tearing posters and pictures off of my walls, screaming as she did so for some perceived slight that I had visited on her. So, once I was finally out of her clutches, I started to hoard stuff. It was mine an