
Showing posts from July, 2020

Goth gamer? Maybe?

A couple of weeks ago I splurged and bought a PS4 console and some games. I did it largely because I wanted to play Dragon Age Inquisition after it refused to play on my computer anymore (apparently it's a known issue -_- ). I also bought Dead by Daylight and have only played it once. I've put in several hours into DAI though, playing more thoroughly than I ever did when it worked on my computer. I also bought a larger entertainment stand in order to better store the gaming consoles and most of the games we have. It's larger and a bit taller than the old one, thankfully. Slowly but surely we are upgrading some of the stuff around the house, and it started with me replacing my pots and pans back when I still worked at a grocery store. I have even been working on changing up the bathroom a bit - covering the ugly vinyl wallcovering with fake wood stickers and replacing the ugly wooden shelving I made not long after we moved in. I bought a new white shower curtain and line a f...

Setting up my grimoire/Book of Shadows

Yes, I have been a witch my whole life and rarely bothered with keeping a grimoire/book of shadows/whatever you want to call it. Usually I've just had random bits of paper floating around with stuff written on it, and once upon a time I had a coil-bound notebook that was more or less a grimoire. But then I fell out of practice of keeping up with it, and it got lost somewhere along the way over the years. But seeing as how I'm in the process of gathering everything I need to set up my altar again, it only makes sense that I would take another shot at keeping my magical notes in some semblance of order. I generally am a very disorganized person when it comes to pretty much everything in my life, so perhaps getting some sense of organization over my magical stuff is a good place to start. I bought a gorgeous faux leather-bound notebook today that I think will be good for my book thingy, and now I'm collecting information to put into it. And I will also likely put some printed ...

Hahahah! This would never happen in a million years....

A couple of nights ago I had a dream where I had somehow become a series regular on Star Trek: Discovery. I don't know how, because I'm not even an actor at this point (although it is something I'm seriously considering), but dreams don't have to make sense. Anyhow, in the dream I had signed a contract to be a guest for a local sci-fi convention, a convention that I used to be involved in until a few months ago when I was unceremoniously kicked off the committee (long story, but I was going to quit anyway), but they had no idea that I was the same person. I had been using a stage name instead of my current legal name or my soon-to-be-legal name, and all the convention committee knew for sure is that I was based out of NL so I would likely be a cheaper guest than most of their other ST guests. Yeah, I know, how could they not know it's me, right? Well, in the dream I'd lost a considerable amount of weight and looked different than they were used to. And in any pr...

Thirteen Years

It is hard to believe that today marks 13 years since my kid and I left BC to move to NL. We stepped on a plane in Victoria BC for the first leg of our trip all those years ago. Tomorrow will mark 13 years since we stepped off the plane at the St. John's NL international airport and new that we were finally home. We literally flew across Canada, coast to coast, to settle here in the first place that has truly felt like home for either of us. Thirteen years ago saw us embark on our journey into discovery - discovering who we were both meant to become, finding comfort in our own skins. Home. And I would not change it for a moment.