Laundry Woes
So, the washing machine here is on its last legs. It's been like this since before I moved in but it isn't my job to repair or replace it. Although, I did look up the initial issue and found out that one of the stabilizer parts for the washing drum definitely needs to be replaced. But it was still usable. But for the past few months it has stopped agitating during the wash cycle. I didn't realize how much it would affect actually cleaning clothes, but yeah. Last night I decided to handwash all my underwear with laundry detergent and a cap of bleach. Why? Because now that I don't have the head cold from Hell, I can actually smell things. And I was NOT liking how my underwear was smelling. I knew that *technically* my clothes were laundered, but I got the distinct feeling that they weren't actually getting CLEAN. Yes, all caps intended. Which meant it was time to do an experiment. I took all the handwashed clothing and put it through the washer this morning. It was la...