I know. It's been a while. I've just been going through the motions. Just trying to get by the best I can. I may have started sort of seeing somebody. That's been interesting. Well, more of a roller coaster where I've been trying to figure out the truth of that person's marital status. Especially after we had engaged in some sexual activity a week ago. No, not full on penetration. More like really heavy petting. Yes, we both came. I'd been lead to believe that the divorce was finalized, the paperwork signed and filed in a court of law. But I should have seen the writing on the wall - his 'ex' has still been living with him for pretty much all of the time that has passed since the paperwork was allegedly signed. I know he hasn't been happy with her since at least last December, and shit went down. And they both stated they were divorced. Yet. I discovered last weekend that they hadn't actually completed the process. And it was in a place where I c...
Showing posts from July, 2023