
Showing posts from November, 2019

Life live is just one boring slog lately

So, since my last post I haven't been doing a whole lot, tbh. Housework is a never ending struggle, especially with my depression hanging around for days on end. I haven't done anything in terms of making SCA garb, other than decide that the medium weight dark blue wool I'd bought for a Musketeer-inspired cloak will likely be made into a boned kirtle instead. I have had my kitchen table mostly cleared off once in the past couple of months, but my carpal tunnel pain has interfered with sewing even the smallest project. I did manage to complete this year's NaNoWriMo project...well, I was a renegade and simply added more onto a writing project I've been working on for the past couple of years. I made word-count for the month, and that's the most important thing, I suppose. Cleaning, well. Mostly I've been focusing on at least making sure I've got clean clothes for work. I have a LOT more laundry I should/could do as well, but I honestly don't have...